Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sleep over at auntie's

All of the neices and nephews came to my house to spend the night. Oh what fun we had! I wish I could have them over more often. They were all sooo good (only a few fights here and there). Even the teenagers came over for the night. I guess they like hanging out with their auntie. Everytime they all come over 2 of them get to pick something from the cook book to make for everyone else. This time it was Katelynn and Jonathan's turn. They chose to make smore nachos. Here are some pics....hope you all enjoy!


Kimberly said...

You can't even possibily know how incredibly jealous I am of your.....


Right about now I'd just about kill for a tan like that!!! Maybe Keith will read this and spring for some fakin' bakin' for me so that he doesn't wake up one morning to find that I've done something horribly drastic!!! While I'm getting him to spring for something, I might as well let him know I'm way over due for a pedicure and the girls and I really need manicures as well!!! =)
Chelsea, thanks for letting me use your blog to pass along the message!

Chelsea said...

No Problem....yes, the tan feels great and looks it too! Just tell your husband that you are a happier wife when you are a tanner wife. Even if you have to fake-n-bake, it relaxes you to take that 10 minutes and color yourself! By the way....nice trick on the blog....I didn't know what was going on. And let me know about B-Day!!!

chara said...

kim.. just tell the hubby that you must tan for medical reasons.. tell him you are suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder) - and are in need of some 'light therapy' -

also remind the man that tan lines are super sexy.. -

and if that doesn't work tell him that jack bauer would find time to tan before stopping the bomb, or
the virus, or whatever devastation was about to befall the world..

chara said...

and also.. i don't know if i am more jealous of you hanging with all the kids.. or the smores nachos... looks like too much fun...

Anonymous said...

Do NOT encourage her! Plus she doesn't need tan lines to be sexy.

Anonymous said...

sorry, "super sexy"

Kimberly said...

I am suffering from SAD. I even have it in writing from a medical professional. You MUST do something to ease my suffering and only a super sexy tan will cure what ails me!!! Besides, I'm sure that Chara is right - Jack Bauer definitely is tan and if Jack does than I must too!!!

Anonymous said...

how many times must I tell you....we can't afford the type of help you need.)
Don't bring Jack into this, it's just not right.

Anonymous said...

as a BIG fan of Jack, i suggest you pull a Jack and hold the new halo hostage until K gives into your demands... it shouldn't take long!

Chelsea - you have to be the coolest Aunt ever! The smore nachos look amazing! what a cool idea!

Chelsea said...

Why thank you everyone. WOW you have a way of making a girl feel special!
The tan feels great and you desreve one Kim!
The kids were fun Lisa...I don't have them all at once very often (usually one at a time) in order to make each one feel that their time with me is well spent.
The nachos were really only graham crackers, chocolate chips, and mini marshmellow....then you broil them for 3 minutes. I t was fun for the kids and an easy clean up for me.

Kimberly said...

Chelsea, I feel the need to throw my two cents in about your sleepover. I am very impressed as well. You can oft times find at least double the amount of kids around my house than what actually "live" here. But I've never had the kids over here specifically for spending time with their auntie. Maybe because my nieces and nephews are all the same age or youger than my girls and compared to their cousins I'm just a very silent second fiddle. But anyway, I just think that is a very cool aunt thing to do!

BTW - we had smores snack mix this weekend. Chocolate chips, marshmallows and teddy grahams or golden grahams cereal. =)

Chelsea said...

Why thank you Kim. I take that a compliment coming from you!

Logan is about the boys age and is in to all of the same things as the boys. So I usually have him over at the same time as Katelyn. I will have something fun for the boys to boys stuff, and something fun for Katelyn to do.....she likes to cook. She also loves the chance to be in charge of the boys as much as I will let her.

chara said...

wow - can i just go back a few comments and give keith some mad kudos for giving the best response ever - 'my wife doesn't need tan lines to be sexy' - good answer..
you got yourself a well trained one there kim.. i am so proud..

Anonymous said...

thanks Chara! it's taken me almost 12 years but we are starting to get there! ;)

but I must disagree with keith's logic. I never said I wanted tan lines to be sexy. i said i needed a tan. if I'm going to fake n' bake, you better believe there won't be any tan lines!


chara said...

now that's sexy.. super top sexy in fact..

Anonymous said...

I agree!

Kimberly said...

did you all hear that - he agreed! which means he agreed to pay for my fake-n'-bakin'! look out tan - HERE I COME!!!!

btw - click on my name and check out my last post. especially the comments - i mention you, Chelsea.

Anonymous said...

More Posts please!