Saturday, April 26, 2008

I've decided to go on a different diet.....


Anonymous said...

is that my b-day gift?
i busted up my ankle last night and that may be the ticket to healing.)

chara said...

that could be the perfect diet..
of course i'm assuming the other wine glass is for me..
and no more wine for k - i suspect that wine might have been the cause of the busted ankle in the first place..

Chelsea said...

Would love for the second glass to be yours chara but my real intention was to fill one glass before I was finished with the other. You myself a trip so I dont bust an ankle like Keith did when he was drinking.

Anonymous said...

is that the infamous 3 buck chuck????
if so, it's a good and cheap diet!

and we just got a "shipment" of your diet -- we don't have trader joe's out here in the wild west of colorado... so we have the parents load up a couple cases before they come....

chara said...

chelsea - safety first - i like the way you think.. i will get my own two glasses - and my own four bottles.. and we can have ourselves a par-tay..

meanwhile - can we all have a moment of silence for poor lisa who does not have a traders joes - and therefore cannot readily enjoy two buck chuck, and doesn't know the goodness of traders joe's bruschetta or any of the other trader joe's must haves..

lisa - you are a strong women.. you make me proud..

Anonymous said...

bruschetta???? other must haves????
dang... i am REALLY missing out! I might just have to go home and bring home a trader joes :) thank goodness i have friends who can tell me all i need to know in buying from trader joes!

but, since i have a case of the 2 buck... (3 bucks when purchased in WA)... can i grab my 2 glasses and 4 bottles and join you????

i have my parents and brian's parents staying with us ... and we just had birthday party #1 yesterday and i'm already behind on planning party #2 for next weekend... what was i thinking having my kids so close (date wise... april 21 - may 4... is not enough time to have 2 parties!)

Chelsea said...

Yeah Lisa's joining us too! Whoo Hoo!

I just came home from Keith's birthday was fabulous! Home made chili(for my diet) and wine(also for my diet). Just an idea Lisa, but you cant go wrong with a party like that!

Anonymous said...

I wish it was because of the wine. At least then I would have a good story.
So, how did it happen you ask? I was walkin! yep thats right, walking. that's it.

Anonymous said...

3 buck chuck!? you guys are killing me! Ok I understand you want to save money and still get "good tasting" wine but let me let you in a secret. When tasting wine count the amount of seconds that the original flavor hangs around in your mouth. the longer the flavor the better. 4 or 5 second wine is the sign of a good wine, longer the better. My point? yes, well. you will notice that you drink much less if it is a great wine and so you are saving money and drinking a better wine.
that is all.

Kimberly said...

don't let keith ruin your 3 buck chuck fun! he's officially become a wine SNOB!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever woman!
I ordered my supplies for my batch of Merlot yesterday. Very excited!