Friday, February 22, 2008

Proud to trade pins..Who wouldn't be!!!

For all of you pin trader fans...this is dedicated to you from Brandon. And yes..He is proud to call himself a pin trader!!!

Oh...and yes Keith...this is an actual picture of Brandon. Can you guess which one he is?


chara said...

is that guy holding a fanny pack? the only thing gayer then collecting pins is wearing a fanny pack.. both might be unforgivable..

Chelsea said...

Yes I did notice the fanny pack...I don't know which is more disturbing....the fanny pack or the sheer joy on his face about trading pins....kinda the way I miss you!!

chara said...

oh - we miss you too.. i was just thinking it was time we came up for a visit.. but then i remembered we were just up there.. perhaps it's time for y'all to travel south to visit the d land and get some pins.. you can bring keith and his fam as well - that way keith can see the pin trading for reals.. and brandon can show him how it's done..

Anonymous said...

Hey, I own a fanny pack! I keep my gun it. Does that still make it less manly? yeah, your prob. right, I'd better get something new, right away!

chara said...

oh yes K.. i would remedy that situation post-haste.. i don't care if your fanny pack holds a swiss army knife, a vial of HGH, and some beef jerky - still gay..

Anonymous said...

Don't want that! I'm on it!

Anonymous said...

HGH, I had to look it up. So that's been around since Alice In Wonderland huh?

Anonymous said...

He's the one in the blue shirt!