Monday, January 28, 2008

Homework for Kindergarten everyone knows that the boys are in kindergarten. But lately the homework went from coloring pictures to an hour of reading(for each kid), writing and math, and then the teacher had to throw in crafts at home. Now if you don't know me that well...I should tell you that crafts are not my thing. Coming home from Birch Bay...the boys (when I say boy...I mean ME) had to make poster boards with pictures and a story of their trip.......It took me 3 hours and $15 to make those. I sure hope that I get an A! Then...2 days later I (i mean the boys...don't tell the teacher) had to make snowmen made out of recycled stuff from our home ( two because I have twins). Can you believe that. And they say that a "stay at home mom" sits around eating bon bons and taking it easy. YEAH RIGHT!!! P.S. After 3 and so months... Jonathan is at a second grade reading level and Cameron is at a first! Not so bad for Kindergarten huh!


Anonymous said...

You've got to enjoy that hour while they are reading and if you make them do their own homework you could get even more Bon-Bon time (I mean free-time)

Alana said...

I remember those projects...ugh. They get more complicated as they get older. Glad to hear how well the boys are doing with their reading.

chara said...

yikes.. and i thought my homework was bad..
hope you busted out the glitter pens and bedazzled those poster boards.. everybody loves a bedazzled poster board..

Chelsea said...

Please tell me you bedazzle. Just saying that word makes me laugh. Oh..Tracy is big time in to bedazzling.

Kimberly said...

I share your pain and frustration. With one child in 2nd and one in 3rd, I feel as though I need to clone myself (i guess one of those 2nd wives from Utah would come in handy right about now) just to help the girls get their homework done each night. And the whole craft thing at home, in my opinion, is sheer torture. I swear the teachers secretly hate us parents and laugh gleefully everytime they send a project home that requires scissors, markers and glue! I'd love to send a note back with the unfinished project stating - I've already completed my schooling and this is what you get paid to do so have fun!!!
Oh, how mean is that???

Anonymous said...

What is this a girls blog? .}

Chelsea said...

Girls rule...Boys drool!

Anonymous said...


Chelsea said...

I can't keep up with you.

Anonymous said...
