Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Strange...yes you could say so!

So I decided to go on a quick walk with a friend before I picked the boys up from school. On this walk I saw a very strange thing hanging from a window......a leg.. As I have said before....Tacoma is still a place of weirdness! And you wonder why I don't want to move to the city!


Anonymous said...

In graham we don't hang legs out our windows.

just our laundry.

Chelsea said...

Well then....I know were to go when I need some clean sox!

Anonymous said...

yes, and you need to go there on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

oops, Saturday.

LizardQueen said...

i would hang a leg out my window for kicks. har har... for kicks.

no really i would. or one of those back in th day department store mannequins. but i am just strange like that.